The low-carbon future is underway

(just under-reported)

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The Supercool newsletter shares insights, stories, and data about the low-carbon economy that is shaping the future of towns and cities around the globe. Not just any climate solution makes the cut; Supercool informs readers about the most innovative climate solutions on earth.

Here’s what distinguishes the climate solutions we write about:

  1.  Successfully operating at commercial scale and being implemented now.
  2. Improve modern life for people and communities.
  3. Decrease or eliminate carbon emissions in quantifiably measurable ways.

For example, studies show a strong correlation between increasing trees coverage within cities and reducing crime. In New Haven, Connecticut, a 10% increase in tree canopy corresponded to a 15% reduction in violent crime.

Did you know that the largest and oldest geothermal energy system in the U.S. dating back to the 1890s is runs underneath the city of Boise, Idaho? It heats over 100 buildings downtown, including City Hall. It also heats the pool at the local YMCA (personal best, anyone?), and is even utilized to melt snow on the city’s sidewalks in winter.

Or how about the academy in Baltimore (grades 6-12) that improved its student scores in math by 37% and reading by 12% just by moving into a green-built school building?

The low-carbon future shines bright. Discover it here.