with Josh Dorfman

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Each week, Josh features the world’s most impactful carbon-cutting solutions to combat climate change and improve modern life for people and communities across the globe.

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The Supercool podcast takes you to the front lines of the low-carbon economy, where innovative climate solutions are decreasing carbon emissions and increasing quality of life for local citizens in towns and cities worldwide.

Learn from today’s most forward-thinking entrepreneurs, tech executives, mayors, policymakers, and practitioners, building a vibrant low-carbon future for everyone. Guests share their journeys in developing, commercializing, and scaling cost-effective climate solutions (with the data to back them up).

Collaboration is critical, so Supercool dives deep, exploring behind-the-scenes stories of what it takes to turn a world-changing climate idea into reality.

  • Who must be involved?
  • What hurdles must be overcome?
  • How do you successfully keep a climate initiative on track, on time, and on budget so people and the planet benefit?

Supercool distills the playbooks and shares the hard-won lessons of those in the climate trenches doing the work to pull the low-carbon future forward as quickly as possible.

Most climate coverage leans toward doom and gloom. On Supercool, we never shy away from the magnitude of the challenge, but we embrace the promise and potential of the countless climate initiatives underway to build a future that is better today.